Uppsala universitet

International phone numbers:
Country code 46, area code 18 ( +46 18 471xxxx).

The second phone number mostly refers to our mobile phones.


  Subhrakanti Dey Signal Processing, Head of Dept.
  Mikael Sternad Automatic Control 471 3078 ;   070/425 0354
  Anders Ahlén Senior professor, Signal Processing

Assistant Professors and Associate Professors:

  Roland Hostettler Lektor, docent (Associate Professor)
  Arunava Naha Forskare
  Ayca Özcelikkale Lektor, docent (Associate Professor) 471 3265
  Kjell Staffas universitetslektor (Assistant Professor) 471 3093 ; 070-7654321 
  Christos Verginis Biträdande universitetslektor
  Ping Wu Forskare, Docent 471 3233 ;   070-1679407

Administrative and Technical Staff:

  Caroline Lindström ekonomiadministratör       070-1679693

PhD Students:

  Roberto Carboni
  Viktor Gunnarsson
  Felix Gustafsson
  Sanja Karilanova
  Johannes Ridefelt
  Fatih Emre Tosun

Researchers, Postdocs:

  Pranav Verma Postdoc