Mattias Wennström
Tommy Öberg
Anders Rydberg
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,
vol. 51, pp. 575-584, March 2003.
© 2003 IEEE
The effects of using an multicarrier amplifier (MCPA) in the transmit chain of a cellular FDMA
system utilizing switched multibeam base-station antennas is investigated. By combining several
carriers prior to amplification, the signal envelope will be time varying and the MCPA will introduce
non-linear distortion of the amplified waveforms. It is shown how the main beam direction and
frequency of any intermodulation product of any order can be calculated and a frequency allocation
scheme is presented that reduces the intermodulation distortion at the mobile users. By Monte Carlo
simulations, the probability distribution function of the received intermodulation distortion power is
estimated, assuming a GSM system, as a function of the number of antenna elements and the number
of active users. Comparisons with a one-element reference antenna is made, and it is shown that the
received intermodulation distortion power for the users in the system is substantially reduced when
the number of beams are increased or the user activity is reduced.
Related publications:
Considering Downlink Intermodulation Distortion in Switched Multibeam Antennas for Cellular Radio Systems
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2000-paper.
Intermodulation Distortion in Switched Multibeam Antennas for Cellular Radio Systems
IEEE PIMRC Conference 2000-paper.
Effects of Nonlinear Transmit Amplifiers in Smart Antennas for Wireless Systems
European Wireless'99 conference-paper.
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