H2-optimal Anti-Windup Performance in
SISO Control Systems
Jonas Öhr
Mikael Sternad
Stefan Rönnbäck
4th SIAM Conference on Control and its Applications,
Jacksonville, Florida, May 7-9 1998.
The aim of anti-windup compensation is to modify the
dynamics of a control loop when control signals saturate,
so that a good transient behaviour is attained after desaturation,
while avoiding limit cycle oscillations and repeated saturations.
We modify the dynamics of a
control loop when the control signal saturates, so that the system
(and the plant output) recovers to linear performance
in H2-optimal sense after desaturation. The design requires
tuning of only one knob. Thereafter, we show that tuning towards
optimal recovery after desaturation one will automatically tune towards
an optimal desaturation time instant as well.
Related publications:
PhD Thesis by Jonas Öhr, 2003.
Conference paper on the corresponding
multivariable design, ECC 1997
- Design method as
described in a report by Rönnbäck and Sternad 1993.
- Poster
in Pdf.
Related research
entry in list of publications