Multivariable Regression Approach for Porosity
Determination in Composite Materials
Tomas Olofsson
Mats Gustafsson
H Ryden
7th European Conference on Non-destructive Testing,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 26-29 May, 1998
The porosity content in composite material is known to influence the
strength of the material. It is therefore of interest to
monitor the porosity contents during manufacturing. Since attenuation
and porosity are related, traditional porosity determination in
composites is performed as attenuation measurements using ultrasonic tone burst
through-transmission. In this paper we
propose a multivariable regression approach for estimating
ultrasound attenuation in composite materials by means of
pulse-echo measurements, thus
overcoming the problems with limited access that is the main drawback
of through-transmission testing. The result from the work shows that
we can obtain good approximations
of the attenuation values using pulse echo ultrasound. This indicates that
it will be possible to replace the through-transmission technique by a
pulse echo technique.
Postscript, 524K ;
Pdf, 372K
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[email protected]
| March 4, 1998 (FL,MS)