Uppsala universitet

H-2 Design of Nominal and Robust Discrete Time Filters

M Sternad and A Ahlén

Chapter 5 in M Grimble and V Kucera, eds:
Polynomial Methods for Control System Design
54 pp, Springer-Verlag, London, 1996. © 1996 Springer-Verlag.
Also: Internal Report UPTEC 96071R, Dept. of Technology, Uppsala University.

Polynomial methods were originally developed with control applications in mind, but have turned out to be very useful also within digital signal processing and communications. The chapter outlines a polynomial equations framework for nominal and robust multivariable linear filtering. The aim is also to illustrate utility of the polynomial mehtods for solving signal processing problems in digital communications.

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Wiener filter design based on polynomial equations
5.3 Design of robust filters in input-output form based on averaged H-2 criteria
5.4 Robust H-2 filter design based on state-space models with parametric uncertainty
5.5 Parameter tracking

Related publications:
PhD Thesis by L-J Brännmark, Jan. 2011, using MIMO feedforward design for robust sound field control for audio reproduction.
PhD Thesis by K Öhrn, May 1996, with more details on Section 5.3 and 5.4.
IEEE PIMRC'95: conference paper, with more details on multivariable DFE's.
Paper in Automatica 1993 on robust design for SISO models.
Paper in IEEE Trans. AC 1995 on robust design for MIMO models.
Paper in IEEE Trans. SP 1991 on (nominal) Wiener filter design using polynomial equations.

Report version In Pdf.

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