Robust Wiener Filtering based on Probabilistic
Descriptions of Model Errors
Mikael Sternad
Anders Ahlén
Kybernetika, (Prague) vol 29, pp 439-454,
September 1993.
In Pdf
- Outline:
In robust filter
synthesis, the ever present model uncertainty,
and the whole range of expected system behaviour, is
taken into account.
We here propose a novel approach to robust design for
signal estimation.
It is based on a stochastic description of model errors,
related to the stochastic embedding concept
of Goodwin and Salgado.
- Abstract:
A new approach to robust estimation of signals and
prediction of time-series is considered.
Possible modelling errors are described by sets of systems,
parametrized by random variables, with known covariances.
A robust design is obtained
by minimizing the squared estimation error, averaged both
with respect to model errors and noise.
A polynomial solution, based on
averaged spectral factorizations and averaged Diophantine
equations, is derived.
The robust estimator is called a cautious Wiener filter. It
turns out to be no more
complicated to design than an ordinary Wiener filter.
The methodology can be applied to any open loop filtering
or control problem.
- Related publications:
in Automatica 1993 discussing also error modelling,
feedforward control and state
PhD Thesis
by Kenth Öhrn, May 1996, with additional details,
examples and generalizations.
Paper in IEEE Trans. AC 1995,
describing the multivariable Wiener solution.
State-space design
and comparison to minimax H-2, European Control Conf. 1995.
on polynomial methods
entry in list of publications
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