Optimizing the Similarity of Loudspeaker-Room
Responses in Multiple Listening Positions.
Adrian Bahne
Anders Ahlén
IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing
, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 340-353, February 2016.
© 2016 IEEE
A shortcoming of multichannel sound reproduction
standards, such as stereo or 5.1 surround, is their
incompatibility with multiple off-axis listening positions.
Accurate reproduction of virtual sound sources can only
be experienced in the sweet spot,
which is located equidistant to the loudspeakers.
We here present
a novel methodology to compensate audio systems such that the
channel similarity is optimized in several listening positions simultaneously.
To that end we propose a novel MIMO personal audio
filter design framework based on feed-forward control.
By proper
design choices, filters that successfully compensate
for multiple offaxis positions and irregularities in
the frequency sum responses are obtained.
The design choices include allpass filters with appropriate
phase shifts as target for each listening position in
addition to a weighted similarity requirement.
Evaluations based on
measurements of two four-channel car audio systems show that
the proposed method significantly improves timbral sound
reproduction and phantom center reproduction in several
listening positions simultaneously.
Related publications:
PhD Thesis
by Adrian Bahne
- Paper in IEEE SP 2013
on symmetric loudspeaker-room equalization
utilizing a pairwise channel similarity chriterion.
Paper in IEEE TASLP 2013
on compensation of loudspeaker-room responses in a
robust MIMO control framework.
Audio research at Signals and Systems
entry in list of publications
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