Design and Evaluation of a Fully Adaptive Antenna for Telecommunication
Jonas Strandell
Rydberg and
Antenn 97, Gothenburg, 27-29 May 1997
Using adaptive antennas in telecommunication has several benefits. The
coverage can be extended by using an array of antennas instead of a single
base station antenna. Alternatively can the transmitted power be reduced.
The capacity and quality can be improved by suppressing interfering signal
sources and this capacity improvement is obtained by reducing the reuse
factor (i.e. the distance between two cells using the same frequency set).
We have designed and built an adaptive antenna test bed for the DCS-1800
An adaptive antenna for the DCS-1800 mobile telephony system has been designed
and evaluated. The antenna is working in uplink only and has a multiplexity
of two channels per frequency and timeslot. The array antenna has a circular
structure and the complex weights are calculated using the sample matrix
inversion method (SMI). Evaluations of the adaptive antenna in an outdoor
environment show promising improvement of the carrier-to-interferer-ratio
(C/I) of more than 30 dB. Measurements of bit-error-rate (BER) for different
angular separation of the mobiles show that for an input C/I greater than
-10 dB the minimum angular separation for approximately 0% BER is less
than 4 degrees.
Related publications:
Experimental Evaluation of an Adaptive Antenna for a TDMA Mobile Telephony
To appear in PIMRC '97 conference proceedings.
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