Uppsala universitet

Robust Decision Feedback Equalizers

Mikael Sternad, Anders Ahlén and Erik Lindskog


IEEE Winter Workshop on Nonlinear Digital Signal Processing,
January 17-20, 1993,Murikka, Tampere, Finland. © 1993 IEEE.

Design equations are presented for robust and realizable decision feedback equalizers, for IIR channels with coloured noise. Both the transmission channel and the noise model may have uncertain spectral properties. Given a probabilistic measure of model uncertainty, the mean MSE, averaged over a whole class of possible models, is minimized.

A second type of robustification, which reduces the error propagation due to the feedback, is also introduced. The resulting design equations define a large class of equalizers, with DFE's and linear equalizers based on nominal models being special cases.

In the poster, examples are presented which illustrate the perormance of robustification with respect to channel errors and decision errors. More details can be found in a forthcoming paper, to be presented at ICASSP'93.

Related publications:
Licentiate Thesis by Erik Lindskog, May 1995, which includes the paper.
Robustification against time-variations within a GSM TDMA frame.
Robust filter design and uncertainty modelling, as described in Automatica 1993.
PhD Thesis by Kenth Öhrn May 1996, describing robust filter design in detail.

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