Uppsala universitet

Adaptive Large MISO Downlink with Predictor Antenna Array for Very Fast Moving Vehicles.

Dhin Thuy Phan-Huy, Orange Labs, Mikael Sternad , Uppsala University and Tommy Svensson, , Chalmers.

2013 International Conference on Connected Vehicles Las Vegas, USA, December 2013.

Recently, a “Separate Receive and Training Antenna” technique has been proposed to provide energy efficient and robust wireless downlink data transmission towards antennas placed upon fast moving vehicles.

Energy efficiency is attained thanks to Large Multiple Input Single Output Beamforming. Robustness to beamforming mispointing at high speed is obtained by using the recent “Predictor Antenna” concept.

However, for some speeds, the Separate Receive and Training Antenna technique suffers from residual mispointing. To improve the robustness of this technique, we propose three new schemes: the “Border Switch Off Scheme”, the “Random Switch Off Scheme” and the “Polynomial Interpolation” scheme.

The two first schemes dynamically mute transmit antennas selectively when the residual mispointing is too severe. The third scheme generalizes the Predictor Antenna concept and uses all antennas upon the vehicle as a Predictor Antenna Array.

These schemes are here assessed over spatially correlated channels. The two first schemes reduce energy saving to slightly improve robustness, whereas the third scheme perfectly compensates all speeds up to 300 kmph with maximum energy saving, at the cost of extra complexity.

Related publications:

IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 2015: Making 5G adaptive antennas work for very fast moving vehicles.
Extended version of this conference paper, with pdf.

Paper at IEEE PIMRC 2017 on the on-line algorithm and performance of prediction antennas based on measured channels.

Paper at IEEE ICC 2017 that provides the statistical estimate of the prediction accuracy.

Paper at IEEE WCNC 2012, Original proposal for using "Predictor antennas" for long-range prediction of fast fading for moving relays.

Conference paper at EUCAP 2014 presenting compensation of antenna coupling.

Paper at Globecom 2016 5G Workshop on the gain by predictor antennas in terms of spectral efficiency and power efficiency when serving connected vehicles by 5G Massive MIMO antennas.

Licentiate thesis by Rikke Apelfröjd, May 2014

Channel Estimation and Prediction for MIMO OFDM Systems.
PhD Thesis by Danel Aronsson, Uppsala University 2011.

Prediction of Mobile Radio Channels.
PhD Thesis by Torbjörn Ekman, Uppsala University 2002.

| Main entry in list of publications | 4G and 5G wireless research |
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