Uppsala universitet

Perforance Evaluation of Memory-less and Kalman-based Channel Estimation for OFDMA.

Daniel Aronsson , Uppsala University, Tommy Svensson, Chalmers, and Mikael Sternad , Uppsala University.

IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference VTC-Spring 2009
Barcelona, April 2009. © 2009 IEEE

The next generation wireless systems based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) need to operate in widely different deployment and usage scenarios. Thus, support for flexible resource allocation is important.

In this paper we investigate the performance of different memoryless and memory-based channel estimators for different OFDMA subcarrier allocation schemes and different pilot patterns. We evaluate the performance in various fading environments and for different user terminal velocities.

The results show that channel estimation can perform well enough for time-frequency localized resources as small as 22 channel symbols with two pilots in many important scenarios. The results provided can be used to identify appropriate subcarrier allocations for the next generation OFDMA based wireless systems.

Related publications:
Eurasip Wireless Com paper 2009, on block-IFDMA and block EFDMA, proposed transmission schemes in which these channel estimation performance results are relevant.
Channel estimation and prediction from a Bayesian perspective, Licenciat Thesis by Daniel Aronsson, 2007.
IEEE PIMRC 2007, on prediction of OFDMA uplinks in adaptive multiuser data transmission that use FDD.
Eusipco 2007 on the same topic, but focusing on comparing the use of overlapping versus dedicated uplink pilots.
IST Mobile Summit 2005 paper that describes adaptive TDMA/OFDMA downlink and uplink frequency-adaptive transmission.
IEEE ICASSP 2005: Channel estimation and prediction for frequency-adaptive OFDMA/TDMA uplinks based on overlapping pilots.
IEEE VTC-2003-Fall: Channel estimation and prediction for adaptive OFDM downlinks.
Prediction of mobile radio channels, Ph.D. Thesis by Torbjörn Ekman 2002.
Proceedings of the IEEE paper (2007) giving overview of adaptive transmission in OFDMA systems.

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| Main entry in list of publications | 4G and 5G wireless research |
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