Two Hops is One Too Many in an Energy-Limited
Wireless Sensor Network.
Erik Björnemo,
Mathias Johansson,
Anders Ahlén,
, Uppsala University.
IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP 2007
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2007.
A common technique in wireless sensor networks
(WSN)is to use multihopping,that is, relaying
messages via intermediate nodes.
In this work we compare the energy efficiency
of single-hop and multi-hop taking into account
circuit energy consumption as well as transmission energy.
We consider a simple two-hop case as well as a
multihop case for a uniform two-dimensional
network of arbitrary size. Contrary to common
beliefs,we find that single-hop is superior for all
realistic cases covered by our model.
Even in comparison to the simple two-hop case,
single-hop is preferable. Only at very large path
losses would multihop be a serious alternative.
At present there are however very few WSN
radios available that can operate under such
conditions. In spite of the relatively simple networks
considered we argue that our findings have quite
general applicability with strong implications for
the choice of routing protocols.
Related publications:
Paper at ICASSP 2007
on fixed link margins versus power control
in energy-limited wireless sensor networks,
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