Multiuser Diversity and Maximum Entropy Scheduling
Mathias Johansson
Radiovetenskap och Kommunikation RVK 02,
Stockholm, June 2002.
- Abstract:
- Multiuser diversity is exploited by tracking rapidly time-varying
radio channels and allocating more transmission resources to users with
good instantaneous channel conditions.
We explain how to simultaneously exploit multiuser diversity and
variable and highly uncertain source bit rates to maximize system
capacity. A framework for scheduling under uncertainty is derived
based on the maximum entropy principle.
By using the channel and the source rates as independent sources
of diversity, the sum capacity is substantially improved. The performance
of maximum entropy scheduling is compared to another recent proposal
for exploiting multiuser diversity.
- Related publications:
- GlobeCom 2001-Paper on this topic.
- A system proposal in which multiuser diversity
is crucial (RVK02).
The Wireless IP Project
entry in list of publications
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